Getting the correct, accurate and honest information in a timely manner will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case. We have the knowledge, skills, tools and expertise to provide this. We work closely with you under litigation privilege so that you can have the full and accurate picture.
Our experts are well qualified in giving Expert Witness testimony in a way that is clear to understand. We assist you in the preparation of your case letting you know where the strengths and weaknesses are. Often times we have uncovered valuable information that is not in the disclosure provided by the other side. We have worked on thousands of cases and can assist you in focusing your efforts in the best way possible.
Our experts have a vast array of knowledge in helping to determine if a photo, video or audio is authentic. The presence or absence of metadata tells us a lot about the file. The comparison of that metadata against known factors for that file type and device all give clues as to whether or not the file was manipulated after it was taken.
Without hesitation, I would recommend Dex Forensics as our forensic computer experts. Their analysis was always thorough and they took the time to explain difficult computer forensic terms and concepts in a way that left me confident to do the job of examining expert witness, both in chief and in cross examination.
- Bernadette Saad