Civil/ Criminal

Getting the correct, accurate and honest information in a timely manner will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case. We have the knowledge, skills, tools and expertise to provide this. We work closely with you under litigation privilege so that you can have the full and accurate picture.  

Human Resources (All types of Workplace Investigations /Employee Misconduct)

Let us help you get to the bottom of whatever situation has arisen. Whether you suspect the employee is time wasting, harassing others or stealing company confidential information, we can help. We have the tools and expertise to guide you through the process. When appropriate, we can conduct onsite interviews to assist in gathering additional information. We are experienced in testifying before arbitrators. We also have a vast array of experience in working in Union environments.

Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests

If your organization is faced with providing a large amount of disclosure and you do not have the resources to accommodate, call us. We can find and extract all of the digital information from Email, cloud storage, laptops, desktops, Smart phones and more. We can then organize the data in a way that it can be presented to the requestor.  

Intellectual Property Theft / New Employee Brings Confidential Information onto Your Network

Imagine being sued by a competitor for millions of dollars. They claim that you hired a former employee of theirs that brought confidential information with them at the time of hiring and used this information to steal clients and revenue from them. The problem is, you had no knowledge of this until now. There are steps that you can take to minimize your exposure.

Litigation support / Expert Witness testimony

Our experts are well qualified in giving Expert Witness testimony in a way that is clear to understand. We assist you in the preparation of your case letting you know where the strengths and weaknesses are. Often times we have uncovered valuable information that is not in the disclosure provided by the other side. We have worked on thousands of cases and can assist you in focusing your efforts in the best way possible.

Photo, Video, Audio File Authentication

Our experts have a vast array of knowledge in helping to determine if a photo, video or audio is authentic. The presence or absence of metadata tells us a lot about the file. The comparison of that metadata against known factors for that file type and device all give clues as to whether or not the file was manipulated after it was taken.

Anton Piller Orders

Anton Piller orders are much like search warrants. An appeal is made to a judge who may or may not grant an order for you to seize evidence without prior warning. This is done so evidence will not be destroyed. Anton Piller Orders are expensive and only used sparingly. Our experts have assisted on numerous Anton Piller Orders.

Our experts are trained not only in computer forensics, but also as Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE). Collecting the electronic and physical evidence is important to understanding the extent of the fraud, the number of people involved and the extent of the loss.

Financial Misconduct: Expense and Invoicing Fraud/Kickbacks/CollusioN

Often times knowing where to get the information you are looking for is the key to successfully finding the information you are looking for. Cloud storage, backups, deleted files, encryption all offer valuable evidence on where to get data. Tell us your requirements and we can assist you in getting what you need for your case

Electronic Discovery (E-Discovery)